A careful study of world history will disclose that there was certain nation Empires that because of their hatred toward God's chosen people Israel over the years could be called "Beast Empires". That is the term that Robert Van Kampen chose to use in his book called "The Sign". Starting with Egypt, when a new Pharaoh came to power after the former one had welcomed Jacob and his family of 70+ souls to settle in a fertile section of the country called Goshen. Their family increased so rapidly that this new King was afraid they could become more numerous than the Egyptians, so he made them slaves, and their life became hard under bondage. We know from scripture that when they cried out to their God, He sent Moses to lead them out of bondage.
According to Van Kampen in chapters 6 and 7 of his book he lists a total of 8 beast empires starting with Egypt and ending with the rule of Antichrist as the eighth. On page 113 he gives a very interesting diagram showing these different Empires with their leaders. Number seven is not really identified but Nazi Germany under the leadership of Adolph Hitler and his attempt to exterminate the Jews would certainly be one possibility. The fact that this WW 2 happened just prior to the Nation of Israel being established back in their own land in 1948, and the demonic reign of Hitler and the holocaust he masterminded, all would lead to him as the most likely person in my opinion. In any event there has to be a seventh who received a fatal wound but who was restored to become the final Beast, (Rev 13:1-10)!
This is one of the more interesting parts of the "end times scenario" that Van Kampen includes in "The Sign". The main theme of his book would be how God is going to provide for Israel, His chosen people. As we know the enemy "Lucifer/Satan" has always been the avowed enemy of God since he was cast out of heaven long ago (Is 14: 12-23) and (Ezek 28:11-19). These 2 OT passages explain the very beginning of sin and wickedness that we see in our "Fallen World", and how our Creator will deal with this problem before He creates a "New Heaven and a New Earth" as described in (Rev 21:1-10). Our God who has always had a plan for this world way before He created this time and space world out of nothing, so to speak, will be sure to finish what He started. We who have a "relationship" with Him through His Son Jesus Christ (John 14:6), have a glorious future to look forward to!!
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer 30/08/14
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