Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Conversion in Three Stages



When we read carefully through the first few chapters of Acts, we see clearly that there is more to conversion to Christ than what some people have been led to believe. Someone has stated this truth "A committed Christian undergoes three conversions; first to Christ, then to the church, and then back to the world."


In Acts chapter 2 we read of 3000 people being converted to Christ, and then confirming this by being baptized immediately in water. Then they demonstrated their conversion to the church by devoting themselves to the teaching of the Apostles, and fellowshipping with other believers. Then in (Acts 8:4) we read that "they went everywhere preaching the word". This was their conversion back to the world. There is no place for "Lone Ranger Christians", who may have been converted to Christ, but never got involved with other believers for fellowship for various reasons. My experience is that they either slip back into their old ways, or else fall into deception or fanaticism. We all need fellow believers to help us in our walk with the Lord. (Heb 10:24-25) give us a strong exhortation about assembling ourselves together. There are many types of church structures available to us today, from basic groups that meet in homes, to large or small local churches that meet in church buildings. We have no excuse not to meet for fellowship.


Although fellowshipping with fellow believers is critical to a healthy Christian life, there is a danger of remaining inside our Christian circles and forget about our responsibility to share our new found faith with the world. Often in the past believers were warned not to fellowship with the world for fear of being led back into ungodly habits. This has resulted in the church not having a proper influence in society. We have nothing to fear if we are filled with, and being led by, the Holy Spirit. In Acts we see how the Spirit forced the believers to scatter throughout the Roman Empire of the day, "gossiping the gospel". He achieved this by allowing persecution to come upon them. Maybe God will have to once again allow persecution to come our way in order to get us to move out as we should! So the three stages to true conversion are 1/ to Christ 2/ to the church, or a body of believers, and 3/ to the world who are waiting to hear the gospel. If we expect to see the return of the Lord in our generation, we must faithfully get the good news of the gospel out into the world. (Matt 24:14).

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                                                           Revised 12/02/16

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