Tuesday, February 2, 2016




I have put together several articles on the topic of "Creation", but never one on the "Creator". Common sense should tell us that in order to have a creation we must have a Creator. For those of us who believe the Bible to be the Written Word of Almighty God, who assigned Moses to record the beginning of time as we know it in the first book of the Bible that is called Genesis. Which happens to be the word for "Beginning" in the Hebrew language, that God had Moses use to record the first five books of the Bible.

We understand God to be a triune being, a "Three in One" being consisting of Father, Son, and Spirit that we often refer to as the "Holy Trinity". These three always existed in eternity that is outside our "time and space world" that we call our universe. And they always existed in "Perfect Unity" with each other. Since they have always been perfect, naturally the universe they created would be perfect. In previous articles we have dealt with how this perfect creation, including human beings, became very much "imperfect" by the entrance of sin and death into our perfect world, causing it to become our "fallen world".


Since our Creator exists outside creation in what we refer to as "Eternity", He is not directly affected by our "Fallen World", although I'm sure He knows exactly what is happening at all times in our world. As a finite being living in a "finite" world there is no way we can understand the "infinite". In Exodus chapters 33 and 34 God gives a self description of His very character to Moses, so it could be recorded in scripture. Bob Mumford calls these 7 characteristics of God His "7 fold DNA", consisting of 1/ Compassion,

 2/ Gracious, 3/ Slow to anger, 4/ Mercy, 5/ Truth, 6/ Faithful, 7/ Forgiving. So it would appear to me that this would be our best definition of our Creator, who is all these 7 things shown forth in His marvelous act of Creation of our "Ever Expanding Creation". What better way to describe Him than with His own "self definition"? There are many different words used in scripture, but when He appeared to Moses in (Exod 34:4-5) we read "Then the Lord came down in a cloud and stood there with him; and He called out His own name Yahweh. The Lord passed in front of Moses, calling out, Yahweh! The Lord!" And then started listing the 7 characteristics to Moses that apparently He wants to be known for. What better name could we possibly give to our Perfect, Marvelous, and Ever Expanding Creator but "Yahwey"!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                       20/01/15    

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