Wednesday, August 3, 2016




Our Creator God has established certain boundaries that He expects His people to live within. In the OT I can think of 2 righteous men who walked close to God, Enoch walked so close with God that we are told God "took"  him to heaven without him dieing, see  (Gen 5:24). The other man whose life pleased God was Noah who built an ark of safety for him and his family to protect them through the world wide "flood" that destroyed every living creature on earth except Noah and his family see chapters 6-8 of Genesis for details. Then Moses came on the scene to lead God's people out of bondage in Egypt into the promised land of Canaan.

. Then God used Moses to give them a system of worship that included an elaborate set of sacrifices including the shedding of the blood of innocent animals. And also a very clear set of laws governing the way these laws were to be carried out, see the book of Leviticus for details. All of this was to outline part of the boundaries that God set up to protect His people from contamination from the wicked Nations surrounding them. All this is part of a "Covenant" He made with His people that became known as the "Law of Moses". Each party to a covenant were expected to keep their part of the agreement to make it valid, and of course God always kept His part, but His people were never able to keep their part.

 Finally God gave His people the promise of a completely New Covenant through His prophet Jeremiah (Jer 31:31-34), which was eventually fulfilled by the miracle of the incarnation of Jesus to become the only "God/Man" who was qualified to be our Lord and Savior. See (Heb 1:1-4) for details, plus the 4 gospel accounts and the book of Acts in the NT. Jesus fulfilled all of the Old Covenant including the Law of Moses, and has now become the "New Covenant" in His blood He declared in (Mark 14:22-24), so now as followers of Jesus we have fulfilled all the requirements of the boundaries set in place by God when we become part of His family by "adoption" when we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. No more being concerned about keeping the OT laws, Jesus has kept them for us, and Father has given us the gift of His Holy Spirit to abide with us "forever" the moment He adopted us. We still have a sinful "flesh nature" which constantly wars against the Holy Spirit, but consider (Rom 8:1-2), and (Gal 5:16-23) to see how God has prepared us as followers of His Son to stay within the boundaries He has established for His children, Praise His Name!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                            

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