Tuesday, August 16, 2016




Most everyone knows the meaning of this word and live their life by being motivated by someone or something. And because we are all unique individuals, with our own DNA, we can all be motivated from different sources. I recently read a quote from Albert Einstein, about his famous "Theory of Relativity", "The supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible with out having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience". Bob Mumford says that Agape is that "irreducible" basic element in the life of a believer in God, and it is used some 320 times in the NT, and every time it is used it is referring to a "believer's behavior"! That is a very interesting Observation, But most of us have been taught that our behavior depends on us keeping certain rules and regulations that have been established by the particular church denomination our church has been connected with! Has that not been your experience in any church you have been part of? You see, as I now understand it if we Agape God as Jesus commands us in (Mark 12:29-31) where every use of the word love is Agape, then our behavior will be "pleasing to the Father". And this Agape will determine our behavior, and not the keeping of rules. This is basically the difference between "Religion", which relies on rules, and "Relationship" which is what Jesus taught.


So if our "motivation" in life is based on Agape can you see what a difference it would make in our behavior? Because we are sinners and affected by the "fall" of Adam we are by nature "rebellious" and want our own way, our behavior is naturally affected by this. When Jesus told a very religious man named Nicodemus in (John 3:1-8) that he must be born again in order to see and enter into His Kingdom, we know that command applies to all those who have a desire to follow Jesus. Many people fail to understand this fact and try by following certain religious traditions of their church to bypass this necessary commandment of Jesus. If these people would only expose themselves to Bob's teaching on the Agape Road, and follow it up with reading his two books "The Mysterious Seed", and "Nourishing the Seed" I'm sure they would understand the truth about the salvation of their souls. There is only "one way" to come to God and that way is through Jesus (John 14:6). Various Religious systems teach there are other ways to reach God, but His Word makes it very clear they are wrong!!

Sincerely submitted.

Dave Jamer                                                                                    20/03/13


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