Monday, June 25, 2007


We read in (Col 1:15-20) about Christ being involved in the creation of everything. He is "the visible image of the invisible God", and "is supreme over all creation". Along with being the creator of all things, He is also the one who "holds it all together" (verse 17), and is also the "head of the Church, which is His Body" (verse 18). Thar surely qualifies Him as being supreme, in my estimation!

It would seem to be impossible to over emphasis the place of Jesus Christ in our world. And yet many people never mention His name, except as a swear word. It is now not "politically correct" to mention His name in public, especially in prayer, in case you might offend some followers of a different religious group. What ever happened to our religious rights? Since He is "the way, the truth, and the life, and no one can come to Father God except through Him" (John 14:6), and some day "every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Phil 2:9-11); it seems to me we should be able to acknowledge Him publicly! I believe that we, who are followers of Jesus, have been deceived into being silent too long on this important issue. It's time that the Church of Jesus Christ came alive to our responsibilities of being a vital witness for Him, and start to speak out in the public forum!

I read an article recently by David Wilkerson about the need for "trouble makers in the Church", like Paul and Silas were, as recorded in (Acts 16:16-40). They caused a riot in the city of Philippi, were locked up in jail, then at midnight they were singing and praising the Lord, and God caused an earthquake that shook them all free from their chains. It's a very interesting story that we should read often to encourage us as to the type of trouble makers we should be. I'm not suggesting we should become law breakers, but we could probably be a lot more "pro-active", and not as "passive", as we have been in the face of the ungodly forces at work in our country in the past few years!

If we believe all the scriptures that declare the supremacy of Jesus Christ, why don't we start to declare them to our public elected officials, and hold them accountable for the mess our country is in morally, socially, and spiritually. We need to speak out for the sake of our families!

Sincerely submitted.


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