THE END TIMES (part 4)
Another controversial topic having to do with the end times is "the rapture". There are several theories that have been put forth, mostly in regards to when it will occur. The word rapture is not found in any of our English translations, but was borrowed from a Latin version, meaning "caught up", as in (1 Thess 4:17). There is no question that there will be a catching away of the true Church, who are called God's "elect", at a time known only by Father God.The most popular teaching on the timing of the rapture has been the one known as "Pretribulation Rapture", meaning they believe it will happen before the "great tribulation" mentioned in several places in scripture. This theory appeals to people because it would have the church missing completely the persecution at the hands of the Antichrist. The problem with this teaching is that there are no scriptures to support it.
As near as I have been able to understand the beginning of this theory goes back to a vision that a young lady had in 1832, in which she saw Jesus coming in the clouds to catch up the church who were ready to go. This became known as the "secret rapture", and when it was joined to the "dispensional" teaching that came along a little later, which claims that the church age must end before the "Kingdom age" can begin, the two teachings became the Pre-tribulation Rapture theory. This teaching has been made popular lately by a series of books and videos called "Left Behind". Another theory that has helped to foster this secret rapture is known as "Imminency", which means at "any moment", a thing might happen. There are many scriptures that show clearly that certain events must take place before Jesus can return to earth (Ps 110:1, Matt 24:14, Acts 3:21), are but a few of them.
I have written a separate article entitled "Until" that will be posted some day, that covers this topic more fully. After many years of studying this subject the theory I have come to believe, that fits all prophetic scriptures pertaining to the end times, is know as the "Prewrath Rapture" put forth by a man named Robert Van Kampen in a book called "The Sign". I would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in this subject. For years I believed the Pre-tribulation Rapture theory, because it was the only one I had heard of, but once I was exposed to The Sign I could see the difference in the two teachings and switched.
Sincerely submitted
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