While recently reading again Jesus' "sermon on the mount", my attention was drawn to (Matt 5:27-30) where He addresses the topic of "adultery". He here compares the Old Covenant by first saying "You have heard it said----but I say to you----"then proceeds to list His interpretation of the topic at hand. In every case His words are stronger than the Old Covenant law. This made me think of the common practice of men viewing pornography today, which would be classed as "adultery", and I have read some statistics as high as 50-70 % of men in our churches regularly are involved. And under the OT the penalty for adultery was "death by stoning". And as I understand the penalty spelled out by Jesus, of losing an eye or a hand, is not a death sentence, it is still quite severe. It seems to me we would see a lot of men with one eye or one hand. How are we to deal with this present situation I wonder? Thank God we live in the period of grace, when all sin can be forgiven because Jesus bore the sins of the whole world on the Cross of Calvary. Men need to be told that this is what God's Word demands, but because they are quite often Bible illiterates, because they don't read the Bible for themselves, or perhaps attend a church of some kind, that does not preach the pure gospel of the Kingdom of God, they simply don't know this.
But ignorance of the facts is no excuse, so unless these men are made aware of the truth of God's Word, they will all suffer the consequences.
Most people don't believe in a literal "hell", and we often hear expressions like "surely a Holy God wouldn't send a person to hell". And that is correct, God doesn't "send" anyone to hell, but because He is just and righteous, that is why He allowed His one and only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to pay the debt we all owed. (Rom 3:23) and (Rom 6:23), but He leaves the choice to us. The choice is simple, chose eternal life in Christ, or don't chose Him and suffer the consequences of a wrong choice. The Bible is very clear on this point, there are only two choices, the right choice is "heaven" with Jesus, and the wrong choice is "hell" with the devil and his fallen angels. Hell was a place created for them, but because of people making the wrong choice either because of ignorance or rebellion, a lot of "good" people will end up there. Just imagine if you can, how out of place a known "sinner" would feel in heaven surrounded by millions of redeemed sinners praising Jesus along with millions of God's holy angels! I expect that is why our merciful God provided a special place for these people.
Sincerely submitted.
Dave Jamer 23/04/12
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