OPPOSITES (part 2)
In part 1 we looked at the subjects of hot vs cold, and light vs darkness. In this part we will consider "right vs wrong".This is a very broad subject, and nearly impossible to cover properly in a short article. The scriptures may not always use these terms, but the word "righteous", or "righteousness" is often used to describe persons or actions that are right in the sight of God; whereas the word "sin" or "unrighteous" generally covers the description of persons or actions that are wrong in His sight!
Scriptures like (Ps 1:5-6, 34:15-22, 37:10-17) are examples of the difference in the way God separates between the "righteous" and the "wicked", and their positions before God are very clear! Today in our 21st century society, this difference is not so easily seen because sin or wickedness has been given new names. These new terms might make people feel better about their life style, but sin is still wrong in God's sight, and only those people whose sin is covered by the "Blood of Jesus" are considered right in His sight! Ever since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, by disobeying God's command, He set in motion a system of sacrifices to pay the price of sin. These sacrifices always involved the shedding of the blood of some innocent animal, which could only cover sin for a time, but not do away with it. However (Heb 10:1-10), (2 Cor 5:17), (Eph 2:1-10), and many other scriptures, clearly lay out God's plan to transform a "wicked sinner" into a "righteous saint"!
Because the church has not maintained a clear declaration of the truth of God's Word regarding sin, and it's consequences, people are perishing because of ignorance! Satan, the enemy of mankind, has been quite successful in blinding the eyes of these people. (2 Cor 4:3-7). That's why it is so important that the "True Church" comes forth in our day and starts to declare the "Gospel of the Kingdom of God" to a lost and dying generation! That's where every "born again" member of God's family has a vital part to play in these end times in which we are living. Satan has spread his lies in the church, by way of many false doctrines, that have served to "water down" the true gospel of the Kingdom. What has been preached in many circles is a gospel of convenience and prosperity, that people want to hear, but will never deliver them from their bondages! Only the true gospel that Paul preached has the power to do that. (Rom 1:16-17) Let us boldly declare the difference in our day between right and wrong according to the Holy Scriptures, and live by it's "absolutes"!
Sincerely submitted.
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