Friday, September 7, 2007


A recent study of Romans 8, plus some other teaching on what it means to be a son of God, has caused me to rethink this whole matter. The church has been very cautious about this area because of a certain error that came out of a move of God back in 1948. This move took place in North Battleford Sask, and attracted attention from Christians from several nations. The truths that were restored to the church at that time had a lasting positive effect on certain segments of the church, while at the same time were ignored, or seen as heresy by others. It is commonly referred to as “The Latter Rain” movement, although the original people involved refused to use that name, and simply called it “The Move of God”.

The controversial teaching that came out of this move had to do with the revelation of the sons of God from Romans 8. It became known as “The Manifest Sons” teaching, and some of these men went so far as teaching that it was possible to reach the level of perfection that would allow them to overcome even the last enemy which is death. In other words they believed they could overcome death in these mortal bodies. In the 60’s several of these men died in a plane crash, thus disproving their theory. But the controversy over the place of the “sons of God”, and “the over comers” in the body of Christ still rages in certain circles. It is clear from reading the first few chapters of Revelation and Romans 8 that not all believers are “over comers”. And then we have the teaching of Jesus about the 30, 60 and 100 fold believers. How to handle all this without becoming classed as a Select of the elect” believer, is a major problem, as I see it!

This controversy shouldn’t keep us back from looking into the subject of what it means to be a “Son of God”. We are “adopted” into the family of God at conversion, and thus become children of God, “and if children then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ” (Rom 8:17). Read (Eph 1:3-14) and meditate on this truth of what all it means to be “in Christ”. This might give us a better understanding, and appreciation for the fact that we are privileged to be considered by our Creator to be accepted as His children. This fact has eternal benefits for us, and we should never be guilty of taking it for granted. It is a gift from our Creator, and is entirely by “grace”, and not possible to be earned by “good works” of any sort or amount! (Eph 2:8-10). This is truly “good news” that we should be spreading to all we can in these “perilous times” that we have been called to live in!

Sincerely submitted.


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