Wednesday, September 12, 2007


In part 1 we mentioned three things that clearly he hates with a passion, namely individual believers in Jesus, human families, and the True Church.

4/ Another big one that Satan has tried his best to pollute and destroy is "Modesty, and Sexual Purity". Especially in the last 50-60 years, some of us senior citizens who have been around for several generations can easily see the effects of his work. The scriptures are very clear that believers should hold a high standard in both of these areas. When ever we see people's behavior going directly opposite to that outlined in Scripture, we can safely assume that their actions are being prompted by Satan!

Take the matter of "modesty" for example, in (1 Cor 12:23), where Paul compares the human body to the Body of Christ, he says "and the parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care. So we carefully protect those parts that should not be seen". That comes across to me as a very clear commandment on how we should dress in public. Yet we often see Christian women in public that apparently have never read these words of instruction from holy scripture. We have seen several cases lately where women were exposing parts of their anatomy that should only be seen by their husband in the privacy of their own bedroom. The world of fashion and entertainment are no doubt to blame for the drastic decline in this area of modesty, but followers of Jesus have no business following these worldly patterns! It would seem to me that good old "common sense" should dictate the way ladies dress in public, but I realize that common sense, as I use the term, is in short supply these days! It is very grieving when you see how some mothers allow their pre-teen daughters to dress like "street walkers", applying their trade on some uptown street!

Satan didn't invent human sexuality, God did, for a very good reason, and with clear instructions as to how and where it is to used. Satan can never create anything, he only attempts to pollute or counterfeit something that God created for good. This is very evident in this whole matter of human sexuality. Scripture is clear that sexual intimacy was meant to be practiced only between a husband and wife, as part of the "marriage covenant" they entered into before God, in the presence of family and friends. Any sexual activity outside this covenant was strictly forbidden by God, with death to the offenders in the OT law. God's principles never change, but thank God His grace is sufficient to cover our offences under the New Covenant, when we repent and ask for forgiveness!! If we can understand that any temptation to break these conditions laid down in God's Word regarding modesty and sexual purity is being put forth by Satan, we need to apply the truth given in (James 4:6-10), and also in (1 Peter 5:6-11). Do this and you can live a life pleasing to your heavenly Father!

Sincerely submitted.


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