Monday, September 10, 2007


There are a some things I believe Satan actually hates, so we will attempt to identify a few.

1/ If you are a "born again" member of God's family, you are #1 on his hate list. He doesn't mind people who only claim to be a "Christian", but continue doing the things that sinners do. These people are still part of his kingdom of darkness, and actually he delights in them calling themselves Christians, because their lifestyle brings reproach on the Body of Christ. Satan hates God with a passion since he got put out of heaven for his rebellion millions of years ago! He was created as one of the "Big Three" Archangels, his name before his fall was Lucifer, and along with Michael and Gabriel they had rule over the entire heavenly host of angels. Because God will only permit one perfect will in heaven, He had no choice but to banish Lucifer from heaven after he tried to exert his will against God's. (Isa 14:12-17) and (Ezek 28:12-19). He apparently chose earth as his temporary abode, and soon after God started to populate earth with human beings he continued his war against God by successfully tempting the first humans to rebel against their Creator and disobey the only restriction He had put on them. (Gen 2:15-17, 3:1-7). Because he can't do anything directly toward God, he takes out his wrath on God's children!

2/ It seems that "families" are high on his list of things to hate and try to destroy. When we consider the divorce rate, and the number of single parent families in our society, we can easily see Satan's hand in this problem. Families consisting of a godly husband, a submissive wife and mother, and obedient children has always been God's ideal. (Eph 5:21-33, 6:1-4) Satan has done every thing in his power to destroy them completely from the face of the earth.

3/ The "True Church" that Jesus has been in the process of building for some 2000 years has certainly been an object of Satan's hatred. In the beginning he used the religious Jews to persecute the church, also much persecution came from the Roman Emperors. Then under Constantine he changed his tactics and encouraged the church to become part of the Roman Empire, and include many heathen practices in their worship and church structure. Constantine began the custom of building large cathedral type buildings, patterned after heathen temples. Prior to this time believers met in homes regularly for fellowship, prayer and teaching. They held larger meetings in the Jewish synagogues, or the public rooms attached to the Temple in Jerusalem. (Acts 2:42-47) Their church structure apparently consisted of Elders and Deacons to govern the local churches, under the supervision of Apostles like Paul, Barnabas, Timothy, and other traveling ministers. The elaborate structure of Bishops, Archbishops, Cardinals etc. to govern this "false church", was never part of God's plan for His "True Church". We can see the hand of Satan through the years attempting to prevent the true Church from functioning as an agent of God's Kingdom on earth!

Sincerely submitted.


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